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Some Questions

Furnace FAQ

Furnaces are useful to have when they work well, but they require servicing and maintenance and can be frustrating when things go wrong. Here is a quick list of some of the most common questions and answers relating to furnaces. If you have a question that is not on this list, be sure to get in touch with us!

Before you call in a service technician, be sure to check the following:

1 – Is the thermostat set to the correct temperature?

2 – Is the filter clean?

3 – Is the thermostat being powered properly? Is it switched on? Has the circuit breaker tripped?

4 – If you have a gas furnace, make sure that the gas supply is working properly.

How often should a furnace be serviced?

You should service your heating system at least once per year. Getting your furnace serviced will help to keep it working efficiently, and could greatly extend the lifetime of the unit.

Each furnace make and model has its own quirks and may start to show issues in a different way. Common problems with older furnaces include:

– Becoming slow to ignite

– Extensive corrosion

– Not producing as much heat as it used to

– Unpleasant odors

– Pilot light issues on a gas furnace

Why should I consider replacing my furnace?

Buying a new furnace is expensive, but it can often be worth doing. If you have an old furnace that is in need of repairs then you may want to replace it. Newer models offer efficiency improvements of as much as 60%, so they are far cheaper to run. Replacing a unit that is ten or fifteen years old could reduce your utility bills by one third or more.

The best furnace for your needs will depend on the age and size of your property, how many rooms you have, and the climate in the area that you live. Local issues such as utility bills, rebate programs and regional incentives can all make a difference to both the up-front costs and the running costs. Heating professionals can offer you advice on the features and benefits of different furnaces, and help you choose something that will be affordable to run and will heat your home well.

Why should I use a professional installation company when I buy a new furnace? It is vital that your furnace is professionally installed because some heating systems can be complex to work with. If a furnace is not installed correctly then it could waste energy, at best, and be dangerous to use in some cases. It does not ay to cut corners with furnace installation.

How much would a new furnace cost? There are a lot of factors that go into the cost of getting a new heating unit fitted. These include the condition of the ductwork, the size of the property, and the efficiency of the new equipment. Talk to a professional heating company and ask them to suggest units that will fit your needs and your budget.

There is no one simple rule that will tell you what size heating system a given property should have. The equipment load is sized based on numerous factors such as the height of the ceilings, the type of material the property is made from, the size and location of any windows, and the layout of the rooms. All of these things should be taken into account when working out the proper size of a heating / cooling system for a home. Call us for a free, no-obligation assessment.

Are bigger furnaces better?

Bigger furnaces are not always better. A bigger furnace will cost more to operate and may be less effective in the long term. Furnaces are at their least efficient when they first switch on, and if a furnace is too powerful it will run in several short cycles, being switched off and on repeatedly, so it will never reach full efficiency.

When should I get a new furnace fitted?

In the ideal world, you would have a new furnace installed during the warmer months. If your furnace breaks in the winter, however, then you can still have a replacement fitted by an experienced technician.

Assuming your furnace has been maintained properly, standard models should last for 15 to 18 years. High-efficiency furnances may need to be replaced after 12 to 14 years. If you have had a furnace for more than 10 years, then you should monitor it carefully for signs of damage or loss of efficiency.

How can I reduce my energy usage?

You can save money on your utility bills if you minimize your use of lighting, heating, and appliances. Use a programmable thermostat to set the furnace to a lower temperature at night, and when you are out of the house. This will reduce your energy consumption. High-efficiency furnaces will also save you money compared to more standard furnaces. Modern high-efficiency furnaces have an efficiency rating of 97%, whereas standard furnaces from a decade ago are rated at just 55%.

Does the ENERGY STAR logo matter?

Any HVAC equipment marked with the ENERGY STAR logo has been found to be more energy efficient than the minimum federal standards. Choosing an ENERGY STAR rated furnace could save you a lot of money, and also reduce your carbon footprint, while still enabling you to enjoy all of the benefits of modern heating systems.

Choosing an energy-efficient furnace is a good starting point. In addition to that you can also tr the following:

– Leave your thermostat set to a consistent temperature

– Clean, or change, your air filters regularly

– Do not let the dirt or debris build-up on the unit

– Get a professional technician to inspect the unit and service it once a year

Why use a programmable thermostat?

Programmable thermostats tend to be more accurate than thermostats that rely on Mercury. A programmable thermostat lets you control the temperature in your property, setting it to change to different temperatures at different times of the day. This means you will never have to worry about accidentally leaving your heating on full blast all day while you are out at work.

What kind of air filter should I use?

Look for an air filter that is easy to clean, and fine enough to filter out fine dust and pollutants, while keeping your HVAC system clean and energy-efficient.